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Gluten Free Bakery Location & Hours

Gluten Free Bakery location and hours are available on this page for Gluten Free Things, a dedicated gluten free bakery based in Arvada, Colorado, in Friendly Square which is located at the corner of Simms and West 64th Avenue. 

We’re right in the corner of Friendly Square shopping center.  You’ll also be able to reference a map where our specific location is shown as a red pin.  Click directions on the map and fill in your from address to get specific directions to our dedicated bakery.


Regular hours are 8am to 5pm with exception to the following:



11651 64th Avenue, Ste A6
Arvada, CO 80004

EMAIL: Contact us with questions at:
orders at

If you need to speak with us, please send an email to orders @ and let us know your name and phone and what is your question, and if you prefer an email response or a phone call. . We will respond quickly within one business day.

[ Denver Metro / Arvada CO ]

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